Award winners 2024

Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron has been President of the French Republic since May 2017. He is tirelessly committed to a strong and united Europe and to promoting Franco-German friendship.

Since the beginning of his presidency, Macron has continuously set new standards in European cooperation and thus strengthened peace on the continent. His diplomatic skill in maintaining dialogue with the Russian leadership despite serious upheavals is particularly noteworthy. In doing so, he acted in the spirit of the historic Peace of Westphalia of 1648, which laid the foundation for religious tolerance and international law.

With his pro-European policy, President Macron is making a significant contribution to peace in Europe and is driving forward the European idea. The Peace Prize jury's statement stated: "Emmanuel Macron is a fighter for freedom, peace and Europe."

With the award winner Macron, the Economic Society for Westphalia and Lippe has followed on from the

award ceremony in 2006, when former French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing was awarded the International Peace Prize for his commitment and fight for the European idea.

German-Polish Youth Office

The German-Polish Youth Office (DPJW) makes an outstanding effort to promote friendship and cooperation between young people from Germany and Poland and to convey European values. Since its founding in 1991, the DPJW has initiated countless projects that give young people from both countries the opportunity to get to know each other, overcome cultural differences and build mutual understanding.

The DPJW's commitment during the Ukraine war is particularly noteworthy. The organization has expanded its activities to support Ukrainian young people and families who had to flee the war. With special programs and projects, the DPJW has made an important contribution to providing these young people with a safe space and facilitating their integration into the new communities. These efforts underline the DPJW's ability to respond flexibly in times of crisis and to provide humanitarian aid.

The 2024 International Peace of Westphalia Prize also recognizes the DPJW's ongoing work, which contributes to stability and peace in Europe. The DPJW impressively shows how youth exchange and international cooperation can contribute to promoting peace and understanding.